About the Open Peer Review (Sept-Oct 2013)
¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Update: The the six-week open peer review phase ended on October 30th, 2013 with over 1,000 comments. This freely accessible scholarly book in-progress explores why online writing matters for liberal arts education and illustrates how students and faculty engage in this work, with digital examples and tutorials. Based on essays from twenty-five contributors, this volume responds to current debates over massive online courses by arguing for the thoughtful integration of web-based authoring, annotating, editing, and publishing tools into what the liberal arts do best: teaching writing and clearer thinking across the curriculum.
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In addition, four expert reviewers have been commissioned by Michigan Publishing to publicly post their comments. Feedback from all participants will assist authors in revising their essays and the editorial team in making selections for the final manuscript. The completed work will be published in 2014 under the University of Michigan’s new Maize Books imprint, both in paper (for sale) and online (for free). Financial support for this project has been provided by the Center for Teaching and Learning at Trinity College, and also by the Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies.
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Table of Contents for the open peer review, Fall 2013:
Introduction, by the Editors
¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Communities
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- Sister Classrooms: Blogging Across Disciplines and Campuses, by Amanda Hagood and Carmel Price
- Indigenizing Wikipedia: Student Accountability to Native American Authors on the World’s Largest Encyclopedia, by Siobhan Senier
- Science Writing, Wikis, and Collaborative Learning, by Michael O’Donnell
- Web Writing in the University Community: Problem Solving through Collaboration and Convergence, by Peter Olson
- Collaborative Writing, Peer Review, and Publishing in the Cloud, by Jack Dougherty
¶ 6 Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0 Engagement
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- Consider the Audience, by Jen Rajchel
- Engaging Students with Scholarly Web Texts, by Anita M. DeRouen
- Creating an Environment for Student Engagement and Web Writing: The “We Just Want Stephen Colbert to Come to Our College” Super PAC, by Susan Grogan
- Tweet Me a Story, by Leigh Wright
- Public Writing and Student Privacy, by Jack Dougherty
¶ 8 Leave a comment on paragraph 8 0 Crossing Boundaries
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- Getting Uncomfortable: Identity Exploration in a Multi-Class Blog, by Rochelle Rodrigo and Jennifer Kidd
- Curation in Writing: Using a “Building” and “Breaking” Pedagogy to Teach Culture in the Digital Age, by Pete Coco and M. Gabriela Torres
- Student Digital Research and Writing on Slavery: Problems and Possibilities, by Alisea Williams McLeod
- Web Writing as Intercultural Dialogue, by Holly Oberle
¶ 10 Leave a comment on paragraph 10 0 Citation and Annotation
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- Web Writing and Citation: The Authority of Communities, by Elizabeth Kate Switaj
- Empowering Education with Social Annotation and Wikis, by Laura Lisabeth
- The Secondary Source Sitting Next to You, by Christopher Hager
- There Are No New Directions in Annotations, by Jason Jones
Capturing, Citing, and Sharing Scholarship Online, by Jack Dougherty (not done)
¶ 12 Leave a comment on paragraph 12 0 Rethinking
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- How We Learned to Drop the Quiz: Writing in Online Asynchronous Courses, by Celeste Sharpe, Nate Sleeter, and Kelly Schrum
- Code-Switching to Improve Composition in the Liberal Arts, by Thomas Burkdall
- Visuality and Vital Information: Bridging the Gap Between the Seen and the Understood, by Kate Morgan
- Learning to Write at a Distance, by Shawn Graham
Rethinking How We Learn and Teach Writing with the Web, by Jack Dougherty (not done)
¶ 14 Leave a comment on paragraph 14 0 Conclusions to come
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About the editorial team:
Jack Dougherty, associate professor of educational studies at Trinity, and his students have experimented with web writing in courses such as Education Reform, Past & Present and Cities, Suburbs, and Schools. He co-edited (with Kristen Nawrotzki) another open peer-reviewed volume, Writing History in the Digital Age, which is freely available online and forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press in Fall 2013.
¶ 17 Leave a comment on paragraph 17 0 Jason B. Jones, the Director of Educational Technology at Trinity College, is a co-founding editor of ProfHacker, a group blog about technology, pedagogy, and productivity in academics, currently hosted at the Chronicle of Higher Education.
¶ 18 Leave a comment on paragraph 18 0 Dina Anselmi, an associate professor of Psychology, and Christopher Hager, an associate professor of English, co-direct the Center for Teaching and Learning at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
¶ 19 Leave a comment on paragraph 19 0 Tennyson O’Donnell is Director of the Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric and Allan K. Smith Lecturer in English Composition at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
¶ 20 Leave a comment on paragraph 20 0 This site is powered by CommentPress Core, a WordPress plugin for creating social texts, allowing readers to post comments on the entire book, individual pages, or specific paragraphs. Read more about how it works.
Hi Jack.
Can you tell me a little about who the audience is? Is it any faculty member at a college or university? Across all disciplines?
Great question, which I’d like to open up for broader discussion. My thinking is to frame the “why?” sections to college-level faculty, and the “how” sections to faculty and their students. Most of my experience and examples draw from expository writing in the humanities and social sciences, but I wonder if similar principles can be extended to other disciplines and genres. Perhaps the best way to explore the audience question is to ask here: who finds this work to be interesting?
Hi Jack:
Great project!
As promised in your #THATCamp session, I’m wondering where this very cool project might fit in a Venn diagram that included Composition and Rhetoric. Mainly because I know that folks in that subfield have being doing a lot with writing on and for the interwebs for at least the past five years or so. And I’m always looking for collaborations, overlaps, and where we can learn from the experiences of others rather than reinventing wheels.
All the best,
Great point, Kathryn. I have the same question.
In the biblio in progress, for instance, Troy Hicks’s work (which is great) is frequently mentioned, but his research really focuses more on K-12 than on higher ed. What about the kind of work that has been done in Kairos and in Computers and Composition, and in the very recent webtext by Debra Journet, Cheryl Ball, and Ryan Trauman, The New Work of Composing (http://ccdigitalpress.org/nwc/)? Other important authors that come to mind include Cynthia Selfe, Gail Hawisher, Anne Wysocki, and many more. I realize that this biblio is just getting started, but I think a book like this really needs to engage with the theory and practice on this topic that is already out there — and the call for proposals should indicate this as well.
I also have some further questions about audience. Is this book meant mainly as a kind of how-to text, along the lines of Writing Spaces (http://writingspaces.org/essays), say? Or is it looking for submissions that will ground their reflections on and examples of web writing pedagogy in a more theoretical or research-based way? I would personally be much more interested in the latter.
And finally, what form will this book take? It calls itself “born digital,” but I don’t see an explicit call for born digital proposals — that is, proposals that are conceived as interactive and web-based, rather than simply alphabetic texts with some images thrown in. Several of the sources I mentioned earlier offer strong examples of born-digital webtexts, which I think would be an exciting and important direction for this particular project.
Thanks for the opportunity to offer feedback, and best of luck with the project!
Naomi and Kathryn,
Thanks for posing excellent questions, which led my colleagues and me to stop and rethink our vision for the volume this summer. It’s taken some time, but I believe we’ve staked out a clearer direction for what Web Writing is — and is not — in our Introduction, specifically the first section on “Why this book?”
We would appreciate your continued feedback. -Jack
This sounds like an interesting project! The college I am teaching at is launching a Writing for New Media concentration, and I’d be interested in submitting something to this project related to how we are restructuring our curriculum … I just learned of this project and it is past deadline, but please let me know if the deadline is extended. Thanks! [Editor’s note: comment was moved into this section.]
Laura, thanks for your interest in Web Writing and for offering to share more about your experience. While all of the subventions have been allocated, we still welcome essay proposals on our idea discussion page, with full drafts due by August 15th, 2013.
I’m excited to see how this project develops. It was fun and stimulating to see Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s Planned Obsolesence open for comment using this platform, and the side conversations in the margins were often really thought-provoking. I can imagine it’s also a little daunting for authors, but it’s a means of peer review that I hope to use one day.
I’m also pleased to know this book is coming out with the Maize Books imprint which I think is a very interesting model for open scholarship. Michigan Publishing is doing inventive and useful things.
Being all about open, I may as well confess that I am one of the people invited ahead of time to comment. I’m not sure I qualify as an expert but I’m very interested in undergraduate writing, writing for the public, and exploring models of new publishing, so I can plead massive interest if not expertise.